September 29 - October 6, 2024 - exclusive of travel!

Southern India, 2024 – this trip is full! Please apply to be added to the wait list

The cost of this trip for each volunteer is a tax deductible donation of approximately $950.00 to Global First Responder.  Volunteers are also responsible for purchasing their international airfare.

About the trip: Join Global First Responder in Southern India to provide medical and dental care, education at nursing schools, health education, and clean water to remote villages in Southern India. During the trip, you will travel by plane, train, and automobile to reach villages that GFR has worked with on past trips where we will continue to provide sustainable improvements for clean water, using water purification systems built by locals and installed by the GFR team. The team will provide education for nursing students at a nursing school while conducting high quality patient care during the day. A highlight of the trip will be the overnight train ride to Hyderabad!

Sustainability: With your help, GFR provides health education to all patients.  In India, we also focus on providing education at a nursing school on a variety of topics.  GFR also takes pride in providing infrastructure in the places where we work.  In Southern India, we have an on-going project to provide water purification systems.  These systems are sourced locally with funds provided by GFR and are installed in a permanent structure on land donated by the village during the trip.  Your team will have the opportunity to see a water system in action and to see the start another water purification project!

Arrivals and Departures: Please arrive in Bangalore (Bangaluru, airport code BLR) before the first day of the trip. The trip starts with travel to Puttaparthi, where you will base for the next few days, providing care for remote villages.  On the night of Day 5, you will overnight (with sleeping quarters) on a fabulous train ride from Puttaparthi to Hyderabad, where your team will now work closer to the city.  After your train arrives in Hyderabad, you will hold an afternoon clinic.  You will have one more day of clinic in this area. The trip will end in Hyderabad (airport code HYD).  

Your team will also visit and provide education for a nursing school during the trip. If you have a late flight on the departure day, a city tour will complete your trip in the morning before you head for the airport or for additional sightseeing.  Please see the “After the trip” section for some ideas to extend your trip!  Please note:  this is festival time in Hyderabad!  Consider staying an extra day or two!

What’s Included: This trip includes lodging, transportation, snacks, water, breakfast and lunch during the official trip dates, and breakfast on the departure day.  GFR will cover the funds for all supplies required for clinic and special projects.   There will be many welcome ceremonies as you arrive in the villages before clinic and a special ceremony at one of the completed water purification plants that GFR.  You will also see the start of additional water treatment projects.

What’s Not Included: Your international airfare, pre/post trip travel costs and expenses, and most dinners are not included in the cost of your trip. Dinners on your own will give you the opportunity to go out in the evening with new and old friends while exploring the cities and villages you are working in.

Cost: The cost of this amazing trip is $950.00 per person plus airfare.  You are responsible for purchasing airfare that meets the required arrival and departure times.  We highly suggest arriving on September 28 to ensure you don’t miss connections or the departure of the team from Bangalore to Puttaparthi on the morning of September 29.  Any expenses on September 28, including your hotel and transportation on the 29th to meet the team, are on your own. We always suggest giving yourself extra time for delayed or cancelled flights and that you purchase trip insurance from a reputable carrier.  This trip is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  You or your donors will receive a tax receipt upon making your donation.

How is your cost calculated?: At Global First Responder we strive to keep your costs low and our quality high.   We value your participation and willingness to volunteer your time and expertise. Everyone at Global First Responder is also a volunteer, donating their time to administrative tasks and paying their own way to participate in medical and construction missions around the world and here at home.  The fee you pay covers the actual cost of your expenses in country including lodging, transportation, meals, and translator fees and basic expenses.  At GFR, no one is paid a salary and everyone is a passionate volunteer, doing our part to help drive our mission of “One World, One Family”.

After the trip: India is yours from Hyderabad!  Consider taking a beach vacation in Goa, seeing the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort in Agra (near Delhi), or even going on a tiger safari in Ranthambore!

Click here to apply for this trip:


If this is your first time applying in our new application system, please create a login and password.  You may use this login and password for all future trips you apply for (and we hope to see you on LOTS of GFR trips!!)


The dates of this trip are EXCLUSIVE OF TRAVEL!  You will need to arrive in Bangalore, India (airport code BLR) no later than early morning on the 1st day of the trip.  We highly recommend that you plan to arrive on the day before the official start day of the trip in case of missed connections. Costs the night before the official start date are “on your own”.  The trip officially ends late afternoon on the last day with arrival at the airport.  Please do not book flights earlier than 4pm to ensure you do not have a missed connection and can enjoy the sightseeing planned for the morning of the last day.  If you need to leave early, we will help you with the arrangements to catch your flight.  Thank you.

Please note:  Until the dates of the trip are finalized, this itinerary is not final.  Please do not book tickets or non-refundable activities until you have been accepted to the trip and the dates are finalized.  Thank you! 

September 29, 2024 (Sunday) – Official start date of trip:  Travel from Bangalore to Puttaparthi.  The team will depart for Puttaparthi by team bus early in the morning.  We highly recommend that you arrive the night before and stay at a hotel close to the international airport, Kempegowda International Airport (BLR).  You will meet your team early in the morning at International Arrivals and can expect some wonderful sightseeing on the way to Puttaparthi (the meeting time is TBD).  Breakfast and lunch is included today.  You will get settled in your hotel in Puttaparthi and have dinner on your own.  In the evening, your team will prepare for clinic by organizing supplies and getting to know each other.

September 30, 2024 (Monday):  Bonthapalli. Today is a preparation day for the team in the morning.  You will help organize supplies, the pharmacy, and get to know your teammates! You will  have clinic in the afternoon.  Breakfast and lunch is included, dinner is on your own.

October 1, 2024 (Tuesday): Kothakota.  Kothakota is a very remote village in great need of medical care. Be ready to work!
Tonight you will have the rare opportunity to sleep in the village of KOTHAKOTA.  Mattresses will be provided for you along with towels, bedding and pillows.  Air coolers will run on a generator for your comfort and to ensure you are ready for a big clinic day tomorrow in a very remote location.  You will find this to be a spectacular night!  We strongly recommend packing a small overnight bag with what you will need for the night and the next day.  All other bags will be secured at the hotel in Puttaparthi.  Showers will be by bucket – enjoy the solitude, cool water, and the beautiful night or morning air.  If you have never done this before, you will now!

October 2, 2024 (Wednesday): Thanda. You will travel directly to this village for a full day of clinic.  After clinic, you will have a cultural celebration with traditional dressing, lamps, and folk songs.  The team will have the option to dress up with the villagers and participate in the celebrations – and we hope. you do!!   There will be fire crackers, a Stick Dance in your honor, and amazing food for dinner.  GFR will provide breakfast and lunch.

October 3, 2024 (Thursday):  Mylasamudram.   GFR has an established history here and also placed a large, permanent water purification system for the village.  You will have a full day of clinic and will also tour the water purification system.  Your team will have the honor of dedicating this water purification to the memory and impact of Bruce Beckett, GFR’s Chief Council and a friend to all.  After clinic you will return to Puttaparthi to shower and get ready for the next special event!

Tonight you will take the overnight train from Puttaparthi to Hyderabad.  The train is very comfortable with solo sleeping compartments.  You will be amazed watching the attendants turn the train from awake to sleeping in about 15 minutes!  The rails will lull you to sleep!  We highly recommend a small overnight bag inside the train and your large bag in the baggage compartment.  Your arrival time is 5:30 AM and you will transfer directly to the hotel to freshen up before getting a late start for clinic.

October 4, 2024 (Friday):  Hyderabad.  After freshening up and exploring your new digs, your team will hold a full day clinic today. Breakfast and lunch is included with dinner on your own.  The team will stay in Hitech City. 

October 5, 2024 (Saturday): Lambadi. Today is your last day of clinic!  You will travel about 1 hour to provide medical care here.  This evening we have planned a dinner at a beautiful palace built by Nijam Kings.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided; we will be attending a festival this evening, with special clothing provided for the team!  

October 6, 2024 (Sunday): Departure Day.  You may depart any time on October 6.  If you wish to join a tour to Golkonda Fort, please plan your departure for later in the day.   Take some time to say goodbye to your team and we thank you for your time, skill, effort, and sense of humor!