team member cost per person (includes lodging, transportation, food)
total team expense
GFR contribution
administrative expenses
Trip Focus:
About the trip: GFR was invited to provide primary health care and dental care in the area around Livingstone, Zambia. Services included medical care, dental care, health education, and oral hygiene education to rural villages, in a large adult prison, and for incarcerated juveniles, all in partnership with the Regional Health Authority.
Our international team was composed of members from Zambia, the United States, and New Zealand.
In addition to partnering with the Zambian Regional Health Authority, GFR also partnered with Drawing for the Planet to provide arts materials focusing on Zambian wildlife for all children in clinic. Materials were left with local schools and the Reformatory to continue helping children learn through art.
Global First Responder Zambia 2023 Team PhotoGFR Zambia Team Leader making friends with one of our pediatric patients
Specialty Care Provided:
Hearing the heartbeat is an important part of reassuring pregnant patients that their baby is doing well. Our Midwives provided education to all patients and medication as required.
Provided 1 full day of clinical training and lectures for 12 Midwives and Registered Nurses, focusing on difficult obstetrical emergencies including shoulder dystocia and post-partum hemorrhage, infant care in the 1st week of life, and common disorders of pregnancy.
Provided 4 days of training for SMAGs (Safe Motherhood Action Group volunteers)
Provided medical equipment including new obstetrical equipment, ambu bags, stethoscopes, and blood pressure monitors.
Provided 3 days of antenatal clinics in partnership with local midwives for 44 women and 1 baby. Prenatal vitamins, iron tablets, antibiotics, and clotrimazole were commonly dispensed. Follow-up notes given to local Midwives.
Young mothers (age 14 – 16) having a first or second baby received education on contraception, family planning, and sexually transmitted diseases.
GFR Midwives provided education to SMAG volunteers (Safe Motherhood Action Group) every day.
Education for Dental Students and for School Classrooms:
GFR partnered with Dental Therapy School to provide medical and dental experience to competitively selected students. These students also provided translation for the team.
Students increased their skills in diagnosis, anesthesia, restorations, and extractions.
One disabled child was identified for transport to Lusaka for specialized dental care under anesthesia.
Classroom education conducted by dental students of the GFR Zambia 2023 dental team.Dental student receiving hands-on training from a dentist on GFR’s dental team.
Water Purification System:
Installed a permanent water purification system including engineering and building of the tank storage platform, a 2000 liter holding tank and smaller testing tank, underground piping to 3 taps at the local school providing water to the entire community at no cost, and newly installed solar panels for pumping water from an existing bore hole.
Provided a bleach making system to provide hospital grade bleach for the local health center and to set up a local business selling household grade bleach with funds going to maintenance of the water purification system.
GFR funded with a matching grant and donations:
Some members of the GFR team in front of the new water purification tank at the school.Members of the government opening the new water purification system and celebrating this community’s efforts to partner with GFR to provide clean water for all.2000 Liter storage tank that draws water via solar energy from the borehole.
Incarcerated Persons:
Provided 44 soccer jerseys for incarcerated juveniles to increase personal pride and foster discipline provided by sports training and team participation. The juveniles travel to other facilities for games and sports are an important part of their program.
Cost to GFR: Donated by team member
Soccer jerseys donated to the Reformatory’s Principal for use in practice and games. Boys from 15-18 attend school, work on the school farm, play sports, and receive counseling.
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