Between tsunamis in Japan and Indonesia, famine in Somalia, earthquakes in Haiti, as well as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods here in the United States, there is an increasing demand for volunteers to assist in world medical/dental relief. GFR offers medical, dental, sustainable construction projects, recovery efforts, as well as health education, community development, and improvements in infrastructure. Many countries across the world are so desperately in need of support that things as simple as routine medical care, clean water, and safe schools and hospitals can begin to create community empowerment and sustainable, long-term changes within those communities.
“As a physician I feel a call to assist in these times of need. At times I have found it challenging to determine where I would be needed most and which organizations to volunteer with. Multiple independent agencies offer information on providing medical aid and donations, but there is no centralized database. Information is scarce, leaving me skeptical about some volunteer organizations and programs. This was my goal in creating Global First Responder: to assemble a centralized resource for my fellow health care providers. GFR is a place to get information on various world medical relief agencies; additionally, it is a place for individuals to share their stories, ask questions, and interact through our blog.
It is my hope that a more coordinated effort will make it easier for medical professionals to assist and provide the necessary care to people around the world.”
Global First Responder is a non-religious, non-politically affiliated, not-for-profit organization.
We are a volunteer organization, no member of the staff or board receives any compensation.